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Module 5 Unit 1 Grammar(II)
上传:唐亚平英语 审核发布:admin 更新时间:2015-5-22 19:54:48 点击次数:1624次

上课时间:2015                        学期总第      课时


Module 5 Unit 1   Grammar(II)




     2  课时








To make PPT

教 学 目 标


To understand the function and part of speech of verb-ing.


To learn the uses of verb-ing by involving students in different activities, games and competitions.


To further learn how to get along well with friends.


To learn the function and part of speech of verb-ing.


To fill in the blank with a correct form of verb.



Step 1 Lead in

In this unit, we talk about friendship. In this class, I will recommend to you a cartoon film. It talks about friendship besides a worried father, named “Finding Nemo”. We watch some parts of the story and make some conclusions at the end of each part.


Step 2 Enjoy Part 1(about the love between Marlin and Coral)

1. filling the blanks

At the beginning of the story, Marlin and Coral were talking about ____1_____ (move) to a new place with awesome neighbors. They indeed liked this large ocean with large room. They had a large house, which could be divided into ____2_____ (live) rooms and bedrooms. They couldn’t help ______3______ (imagine)______4______ (become) parents in couple of days. The happy couple were considering _____5______ (give) these “children” names. Marline felt like ______6______(name) them Marlin Junior and Coral Junior. But Coral suggested _____7______ (call) them Nemo. After ____8_____ (talk) about their children, they called up the memory of their first date. “Would you mind _____9______ (check) if there is a hook in my mouth, Miss?” This is what Marlin said to Coral when they first met each other. They were rising out of the coral when they saw a shark. ____10_____(fight) with a shark is of no use to a small fish. It ate the wife, Coral up and left the husband, Marlin into a coma(昏迷). On his ___11_____ (wake) up, Marline found only one egg left. He couldn’t stand _____12______(lose) Coral and cried. He promised not to let anything dangerous happen to the only baby to be born.

[Students can fill in blanks in any form they like. Then I will tell them that only verb-ing can be used in the blanks.]

1. moving     2. living    3.imaging   4. becoming   5. giving  6. naming      7. calling    8. talking    9. checking    10. fighting    11. waking    12. losing

From the summary of part 1, we can see verbs such as imagine, consider, suggest are followed by verb-ing forms instead of infinitives. Can you think of any other verbs?

practise, finish, enjoy, avoid …

2. study the part of speech and function of blanks 1, 2, 5, 10, 11

Blank 1: moving n. object after prepositions

Blank 2: living room. “living” is used in a compound noun.

Blank 5: giving n. object after a transitive verb

Blank 10: Fighting n. subject of the sentence

Blank 11: waking n. after possessive pronouns

3. conclusion of this part

1) Such words as admit, dislike, imagine, delay, consider, mind, understand, avoid, enjoy, practice, miss, finish, keep, suggest, escape, keep, risk are followed only by verb-ing.

2) Such phrases as cannot help, look forward to, feel like, cannot stand, put off, keep on are followed by verb-ing.

3) Such sentence patterns as Would you mind …It’s no use/good …are followed by verb-ing.

4) Verb-ing forms can be used as nouns.

5) Verb-ing forms can function as the subject of a sentence

6) Verb-ing forms can be used as the object of a sentence or an object after prepositions.

7) Verb-ing forms can also be used after possessive pronouns.

8) Verb-ing forms can also be used to form compound nouns. Verb-ing may describe the use of the noun followed by it, e.g. washing machine, swimming pool, living room


Step 2  Enjoy part 2 (about the friendship between Marlin and Dory)

   Since Nemo was the only child left to him, he was the apple of Marlin’s eye. Marlin takes good care of him for fear that something bad happened to him. However, on the first day of school, Nemo was taken away by a big boat and got lost. There is no doubt that he was very worried. He was on the way to find Nemo when he met another fish, Dory. Let’s see.

Fill in blanks of the main idea of this part.

Marlin regretted______1______(let) Nemo swim at such a young age and tried _______2_______ (look) for Nemo. He asked everyone on his way whether they had seen a boat. Then suddenly, he was knocked over by a fish, Dory. Dory said she saw a boat at first and asked Marlin to follow him. But in a few seconds, Dory forgot ______3______ (say) that she had saw a boat. Actually, she suffered from short-term memory loss. She couldn’t even remember ______4_____ (offer) to help Marlin. Marlin felt disappointed and was about to leave when suddenly a shark appeared and meant _______5______ (invite) them to a party. Marlin wanted to go on _____6______ (seek) Nemo. Unluckily, the shark insisted on their ____7____ (attend) it

1.       letting  2. to look  3. saying  4. offering  5. to invite  6. to seek  7. attending

Q1: From No.1 to No. 6, all these verbs can be followed by verb-ing and the to-infinitive, what are the differences? Discuss with your partner. If you have difficulty, you may tell the difference in Chinese.

Suggested answers: regret to do 遗憾地去做某事  regret doing sth. 后悔做了某事

 try to do 尽力做某事           try doing sth. 尝试做某事

forget to do sth. 忘记去做某事   forget doing 忘记做过某事

 remember to do sth. 记得去做某事  remember doing sth. 记得做过某事

 mean to do sth. 打算做某事     mean doing sth. 意味着做某事

 go on to to sth. 继续做另外一件事  go on doing sth. 继续做这件事

Q2: What’s the function of blank 1 “letting”? What’s the part of speech of it?

It functions as the object of the verb, so it is used like a noun..

Q3: Can you think of any other words or phrases that have the same character?


Conclusion of part 2: some words such as forget, regret, remember, mean, try, go on can be followed by a to-infinitives or a verb-ing formbut with some differences in meaning or usage. We need to make sure we use the correct form.

e.g.   Lily forgot _________ (lock) the door. Then he returned, only to find that it was already locked and in fact she forgot ____________ (take) the key with her.


Step 3 Enjoy part 3 (about the love between Marlin and Nemo)

Marlin, together with forgetful Dory, continued to look for/looking for Nemo. After too much effort and adventure, Marlin finally met Dory. You can imagine how excited they were when they reunite. So do you want to know what happened after they met each other? Let’s go on to enjoy the movie.

Summary:   On hearing Nemo calling “Dad”, Marlin started________1______ (swim) like crazy towards his son. How excited they were. But at that moment, Dory was trapped in a net. Nemo preferred _____2______ (save) her. He called on all the fish to swim down. This time Marlin supported him. Nemo was very happy. He said that he didn’t hate _____3______(follow) his father’s advice any more.

1. to swim/swimming   2. to save/saving         3. following/ to follow

In these three blanks, we can choose both the to-infinitives and verb-ing forms. They have almost the same meaning.

Q1: Can you come up with any other words that has the same feature?

       continue  begin  like  love

Q2: What’s the function of “swimming” in “started swimming”? And what’s the part of speech of it ?

  The word “swimming” functions as an object, so the part of speech is a noun.

Conclusion: such words as continue, prefer, begin, hate, like, start, love can be followed by a verb-ing form or a to-infinitive. And the meanings are almost the same.


Step 4 Practice

   So we can see, the film “Finding Nemo” is an excellent film, presenting love and friendship. It was a hit when it was newly made. One of the fans has written a movie review of it. Some of the words are missing. Try filling it.

     Today, I have finished ______1______ (watch) the wonderful film “Finding Nemo”. At the _______2_____ (begin) of the story, the husband, Marlin and the wife, Coral were talking about _____3_____ (have) new neighbors and a new environment. They were looking forward to ______4_______ (turn) parents in a couple of days. However, a shark appeared and ate Coral up. Only an egg was left. Since Coral suggest ____5_______ (name) her child Nemo before her death, the little fish got the name.

After the birth of Nemo, he was asked to practice _____6_________ (swim) almost every day. His father gave him too much care for him to accept. He was curious about the outside world, so he was caught away in a ship.

_______7______ (lose) the son was the last thing he could accept. He looked for Nemo and kept _____8_____(try). On this way, he made friends with Dory, who usually forgot _____9_____ (say) anything almost after saying it. Anyway, she helped him a lot. Day after day, they continued ______10______ (ask) passers-by. Finally, the father and the son united.

Generally speaking, it’s a moving story. I can’t help ______11________ (recommend) the film to more friends. You will never regret ____12_______ (see) such a film. Also, it’s no use _____13________ (cry) when something bad happened. Try _____14______ (do) what you can and you will overcome the difficulties.

1. watching  2. beginning  3. having   4. turning   5. naming   6. swimming  7. Losing

8. trying   9. saying   10. asking  11.  recommending   12. to see  13. crying  14. to do


Step 5 Conclusion

In this class, we have reviewed the use of verb-ing. Generally speaking, verb-ing forms can be used like nouns. They can be used as the subject of a sentence, the object of a sentence or an object after prepositions. Besides, it can also be used after possessive pronouns or be combined with a noun to form compound nouns.

Besides, there are three kinds of verbs. Be careful when you use this words in your daily lives.


Step 6 Homework

Finish the e-mail on p11 and Workbook exercise C2 on page 92.






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